如果你是一名高中生,目前正在另一所地区认可的学院或大学接受CCP/双招生的大学学分, and choose to enroll at Baldwin Wallace once you graduate from high school, BW 将 award college credit for many of 你的 completed courses (C or better). BW的 在线转学指南 s如何s 如何 courses transfer from more than 90 area colleges and universities. 学生也可以从许多其他认可的学校转学分,但不包括在在线转学分指南中.
中共学生在鲍德温华莱士大学注册为获得大学学分的一年级学生. 通过CCP获得的大学学分可能使学生有资格成为大二甚至大三的一年级学生. 无论进入哪个级别的学生都有资格, students with CCP credit 将 still be considered first-year students. The first-year experience course (FYE-100) is required of all entering first-year students, 包括那些完成大学学分作为高中课程一部分的一年级学生.e./高中毕业前双录取).
如果你计划在BW注册, 请在最后一个学期结束时要求将正式的大学成绩单邮寄到招生办公室. 注册和记录办公室将完成对您的成绩单的审查,以确定转学学分.
夏天的课程: 鲍德温华莱士大学 does not offer summer courses to incoming first-year students. If you are interested in taking a summer course elsewhere, we strongly advise that you take no more than one course. Additionally, that course should be approved by the director of undergraduate admission.
If you have questions regarding the above 信息, please contact 梅瑞迪斯大炮, director of undergraduate admission, at (440) 826-8011 or mcannon@guardiansofmidgard.com.